[日本直送]RealBvoice 20周年 R MARK 牛仔褲 20th anniversary Jeans [34碼] [Ship directly from Japan]

庫存狀態: 有現貨
聯絡商戶: WhatsApp 對話

*需訂, 需先查庫存, 現金及八達通APP付全訂

這是為紀念RealBvoice品牌成立20周年而製作的牛仔布。 這是經過重印和發佈的日本製造牛仔布版本,后袋上設計了圓形R。 廓形也與當時輕鬆的美式休閒裝相同。 這是一件必備品,您可以穿著粗糙而堅韌,享受衰老。 我們將提供一個特殊的盒子。

■ 材質 / 成分: 100%棉


[34]總長:90cm 腰圍:26cm 下襠:82cm 褲襠棉再:34.5cm

*因為是生牛仔布,所以洗滌後腰部有收縮4~5%、臀部和交叉處收縮2~4%、下襠收縮4~6%的可能性。 購買時請小心。


* (參考示例) 在 32 英寸腰圍 85 釐米 / 下襠 80 厘米的情況下,約 2 次洗滌→腰身 82 釐米 / 下襠 77 釐米


取貨 : 可港鐵線站取, 會面需帶口罩, 或順豐到付

(付款後, 不設退款及取消訂單. 到貨通知後,只保留一個月,之後作買家放棄貨件處理。)

*Reservation required, you need to check the inventory first, pay in cash and Octopus APP for full booking

This is a denim made to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the RealBvoice brand. This is a reprinted and released Japanese-made denim version with a rounded R design on the back pocket. The silhouettes were also consistent with the relaxed American casual wear of the time. This is a must-have that you can wear rough and tough and enjoy aging well. We will provide a special box.

■Material/composition: 100% cotton

[32] Total length: 85cm Waist: 25cm Inseam: 80cm Crotch: 33.5cm

[34] Total length: 90cm Waist: 26cm Inseam: 82cm Crotch: 34.5cm

*Because it is raw denim, the waist may shrink by 4~5%, the buttocks and cross areas may shrink by 2~4%, and the crotch may shrink by 4~6% after washing. Please be careful when purchasing. (After washing, expect to shrink approximately 1 size.)

* (Reference example) In the case of 32 inches waist 85 cm / inseam 80 cm, about 2 washes → waist 82 cm / inseam 77 cm

Country of Origin: China

*The product in the picture is in a condition that has been washed once.

Pick-up: You can pick up the goods at the MTR station, please wear mask during the meeting or pay by SF Express

(After payment, there are no refunds or order cancellations. After the arrival notification, it will only be kept for one month, after which the buyer will abandon the shipment.)


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