Faidaway 排毒化瘀片

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英文名稱:  Faidaway












1、 竹茹:除濕化痰,消除體內黏膩之邪。

2、 小薊:用於熱毒瘡腫、濕熱黃疸、還可利水。

3、 薑黃:具有破血行氣、通經止痛,用於血瘀氣滯的腫塊。

4、 益母草:活血祛瘀、利尿解毒,用於淤血的腫物。

5、 紫蘇子:降氣消痰、控制痰涎壅盛、胸膈滿悶。

6、 香附:疏理肝氣、化瘀止痛,用於情志不暢引發的鬱結及腫痛。

7、 生薑:發散、溫中、解毒、和胃的幫助。

8、 決明子:清熱疏肝、散結降火,可以疏散體內肝淤火鬱的腫物。

註:  保健食品不是藥物,不能代替藥物治療疾病。建議服食此保健品前或後2小時內,儘量避免喝牛奶。


1. 商戶不囤貨,為保持品質新鮮。當客戶訂購後,才安排廠家出貨,運送須時,敬請耐心等候。


2. 香港, 九龍, 新界區運費HK$50, 離島區運費HK$100, 購滿HK$300免運費. 其他國家運費另計。

America's outstanding botanical and herbal health care products ----------- Detoxifying and Huayu Tablets

English name: Faidaway

Specifications: Tablet weight 500 mg, 60 tablets per bottle.

Usage: 2 times a day, 2 tablets in the morning and evening. Best absorbed when taken before meals.


Ingredients of Detox and Huayu Tablets:

1. Detoxification and Stasis Pills, also known as Hualu Pills, have the function of softening and dispersing tumors and hard lumps in the human body after being taken for a period of time. It is especially effective in alleviating glandular tumors in the human body.

Detoxification and siltation tablets have been sold in acupuncture clinics across the United States for twenty years and are well received. It has also been promoted in the Chinese market and has been used for more than five years, and good feedback results abound.

Based on the good feedback, we know that lung cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, lymphoma and liver cirrhosis are all well controlled to varying degrees.

It is especially helpful for endometriosis and uterine fibroids, and the results are even more obvious.

2. Although there are some herbs from America in the formula of Detoxification and Stasis Pills (Hualiu Pills), their main function is the treasure of the Chinese nation----------Chinese Materia Medica.

The term Materia Medica has a long history: as early as the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (the second century AD), the Shennong's Materia Medica has records of 365 Chinese herbal medicines. Materia Medica is the general name for herbal medicines. Of course, it is also called traditional Chinese medicine in modern times.

 3. The core components of detoxification and siltation tablets:

1. Bamboo Ru: removes dampness and resolves phlegm, and eliminates sticky evil in the body.

2. Thistle: used for heat-toxic sores, damp-heat jaundice, and can also diuretic.

3. Turmeric: It can break blood, promote qi, stimulate menstruation and relieve pain. It is used for masses with blood stasis and qi stagnation.

4. Motherwort: activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis, diuresis and detoxifies, used for congestion and swelling.

5. Perilla seed: lowers qi and eliminates phlegm, controls excessive phlegm and saliva, and chest and diaphragm fullness and tightness.

6. Cyperus rotundus: soothes liver qi, removes blood stasis and relieves pain. It is used for stagnation, swelling and pain caused by poor emotions.

7. Ginger: Helps in dispersing, warming, detoxifying and soothing the stomach.

8. Cassia seed: clears away heat and soothes the liver, dissipates stagnation and reduces fire, and can evacuate tumors caused by liver stasis and fire stagnation in the body.


Note: Health foods are not medicines and cannot replace medicines in treating diseases. It is recommended to avoid drinking milk within 2 hours before and after taking this health product.


1. Merchants do not stock goods to keep the quality fresh. The manufacturer will arrange shipment only after the customer places an order. Please wait patiently for delivery time.


2. The shipping fee for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories is HK$50, the shipping fee for outlying islands is HK$100, and the shipping fee is free for purchases over HK$300. Shipping costs for other countries are additional.



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