Lung Cleansing 清肺片

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美國優秀植物草藥纇保健品----------- 清肺片

英文名稱:  Lung Cleansing



草 藥 組 成 :藏茴香Caraway、北美蘭草Boneset、胡桃Black Walnut、賓州楊梅皮Bayberry Bark、歐獨活Angelica、葫蘆巴Fenugreek。

服用注意: 避免太多冰水和食用冰品。少食辛辣、海鮮魚蝦螃蟹、羊肉。減輕壓力,舒緩心情,適量運動。




成分幫助:藏茴香具有祛痰的幫助;北美蘭草具有祛痰宣肺的幫助;胡桃具有殺菌的幫助;賓州楊梅皮促進血液迴圈,減輕胸腔充血;歐獨活祛除氣喘和支氣管炎引起的積痰; 葫蘆巴排痰效果好。


註:  保健食品不是藥物,不能代替藥物治療疾病。建議服食此保健品前或後2小時內,儘量避免喝牛奶。

1. 商戶不囤貨,為保持品質新鮮。當客戶訂購後,才安排廠家出貨,運送須時,敬請耐心等候。

2. 香港, 九龍, 新界區運費HK$50, 離島區運費HK$100, 購滿HK$300免運費. 其他國家運費另計。

America's outstanding botanical and herbal health care products ----------- Qingfei Tablets

English name: Lung Cleansing

Specifications: Tablet weight 500 mg, 60 tablets per bottle.

How to take: 4 tablets daily, 2 tablets in the morning and evening. Best absorbed when taken before meals.

Herbal ingredients: Caraway, Boneset, Black Walnut, Bayberry Bark, Angelica, and Fenugreek.

Precautions for use: Avoid too much ice water and ice products. Eat less spicy, seafood, fish, shrimp, crab, and mutton. Reduce stress, soothe your mood, and exercise moderately.

Product advantages: Baofei Tablets is a health care product composed of pure herbal and natural plants. It is made in the United States and does not contain western medicine or chemical ingredients.

Product Features: Helps expel phlegm, cleans the alveoli, and relieves discomfort in the lungs and trachea.

Helpful ingredients: Tibetan fennel helps to eliminate phlegm; North American orchid helps to eliminate phlegm and relieve the lungs; walnuts help to sterilize; Pennsylvania bayberry bark promotes blood circulation and relieves chest congestion; Odhuo removes phlegm caused by asthma and bronchitis. Phlegm; Fenugreek has a good effect in eliminating phlegm.

Scope of application: Mild pneumoconiosis, smoking lung, mild emphysema.

Note: Health foods are not medicines and cannot replace medicines in treating diseases. It is recommended to avoid drinking milk within 2 hours before and after taking this health product.

1. Merchants do not stock goods to keep the quality fresh. The manufacturer will arrange shipment only after the customer places an order. Please wait patiently for delivery time.

2. The shipping fee for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories is HK$50, the shipping fee for outlying islands is HK$100, and the shipping fee is free for purchases over HK$300. Shipping costs for other countries are additional.

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  • 九龍城區, 香港 © 2024




