Erigeron breviscapus 燈盞花膠囊

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Erigeron breviscapus 燈盞花膠囊


規格:重 500 毫克,每瓶 60 粒膠囊。

服法:每日 2 粒,早晚各服 1 粒,飯前服用吸收最佳。

產品優勢:是純草藥的天然植物組成的健康保健品,在美國生產,均按美國 FDA的衛生標準製作,無化學成分和西藥。美國製造, 本品由美國加州符合GMP生產條件的工廠生產。

幫助: 改善心慌心悸,增強心臟供血能力,具有擴張腦血管,抗血凝的作用。臨床上用於治療腦供血不足、腦出血所致後遺症、高粘脂血症、腦血栓、冠心病、心絞痛等疾病。

適應症:燈盞花具有擴張腦血管的作用,能降低腦血管阻力,增加腦血流量,改善微循環,並有對抗血小板聚集作用。故可用於治療缺血性腦血管疾病,如腦血栓形成,腦栓塞、腦溢血等所致後遺症癱瘓病人,具有較好療效,對病程在 6 個月以內的療效比 6 個月以上者為好。









註:  保健食品不是藥物,不能代替藥物治療疾病。建議服食此保健品前或後2小時內,儘量避免喝牛奶。

1. 商戶不囤貨,為保持品質新鮮。當客戶訂購後,才安排廠家出貨,運送須時,敬請耐心等候。

2. 香港, 九龍, 新界區運費HK$50, 離島區運費HK$100, 購滿HK$300免運費. 其他國家運費另計。


Erigeron Capsules

English name : Erigeron breviscapus

Erigeron has extensive and definite pharmacological activities, such as anti-tissue ischemia-reperfusion injury, anti-thrombosis, increasing blood flow, improving microcirculation, dilating blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, regulating blood lipids, anti-oxidation and other pharmacological effects.

Strength: 500 mg, 60 capsules per bottle.

Instructions for taking: 2 capsules daily, 1 capsule in the morning and evening. Take it before meals for best absorption.

Product advantages: It is a health care product composed of pure herbal natural plants, produced in the USA according to FDA hygiene standards. It contains no harmful chemical components or Western medicines. Manufactured in U.S.A.Manufactured by a G.M.P Approved Factory in California, USA.

Help: Improve palpitation and heart palpitations, enhance the blood supply capacity of the heart, expand cerebral blood vessels, and have anti-blood coagulation effects. It is clinically used to treat insufficient blood supply to the brain, sequelae caused by cerebral hemorrhage, hyperviscosity and lipidemia, cerebral thrombosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and other diseases.

Indications: Erigeron can dilate cerebral blood vessels, reduce cerebral vascular resistance, increase cerebral blood flow, improve microcirculation, and resist platelet aggregation. Therefore, it can be used to treat patients with paralysis with sequelae caused by ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. It has good curative effect, and the curative effect is better for those with a course of disease within 6 months than for those with a course of more than 6 months.

Herbal composition: Mainly breviscapus extract


Notes on taking:

Do not drink too much ice water or ice products (ice cream). Reduce stress and soothe your mood; exercise moderately.


1/ It is prohibited to be used in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage or patients with bleeding tendency.

2/ Keep this product away from children.


Note: Health foods are not medicines and cannot replace medicines in treating diseases. It is recommended to avoid drinking milk within 2 hours before and after taking this health product.

1. Merchants do not stock goods to keep the quality fresh. The manufacturer will arrange shipment only after the customer places an order. Please wait patiently for delivery time.

2. The shipping fee for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories is HK$50, the shipping fee for outlying islands is HK$100, and the shipping fee is free for purchases over HK$300. Shipping costs for other countries are additional.

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