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【產品名稱】:NMN膠囊  幫助促進DNA修復,提高能量,長壽,改進新陳代謝 




衰老與低水準的NAD +有關,你的身體需要的NAD +水準以維持健康的身心。 NMN有助於增強NAD +,修復DNA的損傷並延長您的青春期。 體內低水準的NAD +導致感覺疲倦和昏昏沉沉。 NMN的其他好處是增強身體表現和大腦功能。



提升NAD +水準:老齡化與低水準的NAD +有關。 你的身體需要的NAD +水準才能保持健康的身心。 NMN膠囊為您的身體提供額外的NAD增強,你需要保持健康,延長壽命並確保好的性能。

增加能量和保持活躍:體內低NAD水準會讓您感到疲倦和昏昏沉沉。 我們的能量補充有助於將NAD水準提高到水準,為您提供額外的能量提升,您需要一整天的力量,而不會一直感到疲倦。

腦功能和代謝:本產品不僅是增強身體機能的有效方法,而且有助於增強大腦功能,促進健康的新陳代謝,更快地將食物分解為能量,同時有助於控制體重。NMN是一種能源,使用NMN+NAD 可促進機體恢復,感覺年輕並保持活躍,體內缺乏NMN+NAD與多種疾病和衰老的負面影響有關,幫助您提高NDA含量,能修復DNA損傷並延長你的青春。有助於增加新陳代謝,更快地將食物分解為能量,修復細胞水準的損傷,增強認知功能和長壽基因,幫助您保持更年輕。

本品科學配製,以大限度地提高生物利用度,方便吸收並轉化為NAD +,幫助在不到30分鐘的時間內在組織中產生更多的NAD,幫助維持和改善您的整體健康狀況。


a)從內到外減緩衰老的影響,使肌膚更健康,更年輕 ;

b)增加細胞新陳代謝,幫助產生更多能量,讓你保持活躍 ;

c)促進更長時間和更好的睡眠,讓您醒來時感覺神清氣爽 ;

d)增強活動能力,增加肌肉耐力和回復,以幫助保持好的表現 ;

e)增加骨密度,支援健康的免疫系統 ;

 f)保持細胞正常工作,以促進整體身心健康 .


美國製造. 本品由美國加州符合GMP生產條件的工廠生產.

註:  保健食品不是藥物,不能代替藥物治療疾病。建議服食此保健品前或後2小時內,儘量避免喝牛奶。

1. 商戶不囤貨,為保持品質新鮮。當客戶訂購後,才安排廠家出貨,運送須時,敬請耐心等候。

2. 香港, 九龍, 新界區運費HK$50, 離島區運費HK$100, 購滿HK$300免運費. 其他國家運費另計。

[Product Name]: NMN capsules help promote DNA repair, increase energy, longevity, and improve metabolism

[Product Specifications]: Each capsule contains NMN40mg, 60 capsules per bottle

【Product Description】:

Why do you need to supplement with NMN?

Aging is associated with low levels of NAD+, which your body needs to maintain a healthy mind and body. NMN helps boost NAD+, repair damage to your DNA and prolong your puberty. Low levels of NAD+ in the body lead to feeling tired and groggy. Other benefits of NMN are enhanced physical performance and brain function.

This product contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, is vegan-safe, non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, produced in an FDA-registered facility and made in the USA.

[Product efficacy]:

Raising NAD+ levels: Aging is associated with low levels of NAD+. Your body requires NAD+ levels to maintain a healthy mind and body. NMN capsules provide your body with the extra NAD boost you need to stay healthy, extend life and ensure good performance.

Increase energy and stay active: Low NAD levels in your body can make you feel tired and lethargic. Our energy supplement helps raise NAD levels to the point where they can give you the extra energy boost you need throughout the day without feeling tired all the time.

BRAIN FUNCTION AND METABOLISM: Not only is this product an effective way to enhance body function, it also helps enhance brain function, promotes a healthy metabolism, breaks down food into energy faster, and helps with weight control.

NMN is an energy source. Use NMN+NAD to promote recovery, feel younger and stay active

Lack of NMN+NAD in the body is associated with a variety of diseases and the negative effects of aging. Helping you increase NDA content can repair DNA damage and extend your youth. Helps increase metabolism, break down food into energy faster, repair damage at the cellular level, enhance cognitive function and longevity genes, helping you stay younger.

This product is scientifically formulated to maximize bioavailability for easy absorption and conversion to NAD+, helping to produce more NAD in your tissues in less than 30 minutes to help maintain and improve your overall health.

NMN capsules may also help:

a) Slows the effects of aging from the inside out for healthier, younger-looking skin

b)Increases cell metabolism to help produce more energy, keeping you active

c)Promotes longer and better sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed

d) Enhances mobility, increases muscle endurance and recovery to help maintain good performance

e)Increase bone density and support a healthy immune system

f)Keep cells working properly to promote overall physical and mental health

Usage and dosage: Orally. Take 1 capsule at a time, 2 times a day, after meals.

Produced in the USA according to FDA hygiene standards. It contains no harmful chemical components or Western medicines. Manufactured in U.S.A.Manufactured by a G.M.P Approved Factory in California, USA.

Note: Health foods are not medicines and cannot replace medicines in treating diseases. It is recommended to avoid drinking milk within 2 hours before and after taking this health product.

1. Merchants do not stock goods to keep the quality fresh. The manufacturer will arrange shipment only after the customer places an order. Please wait patiently for delivery time.

2. The shipping fee for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories is HK$50, the shipping fee for outlying islands is HK$100, and the shipping fee is free for purchases over HK$300. Shipping costs for other countries are additional.

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  • 九龍城區, 香港
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