Sugar Balance平衡血糖片

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Sugar Balance平衡血糖片

在美國生產,不含西藥,化學成分,適合長期服用。 選用有效的草藥,健脾祛濕,益氣養陰。 

組成: 黃芪 大麥葉 丹參 當歸 地黃 白術 玉米須 洋甘菊花 

幫助:恢復胰島功能; 逐步降低血糖。 





平衡血糖片 使用實例:

 在美國診所使用的例子: 在美國血糖高的病人比比皆是,使用中草藥減輕血糖過高在中 醫診所內也很常用。因此使用草藥組合的理論抗擊糖尿病是非 常成熟的。 小石城的一家中醫針灸診所運用草藥製品平衡血糖片就幫助了 不少的糖尿病患者。 斯蒂文,男,42 歲。患糖尿病四年,初始血糖餐後 250 毫克/ 分升,早晨測血糖 190 毫克/分升.這四年降血糖的西藥一直再增 加,初時有效,但漸漸效果就不好了。服有甲瑙維雅,二甲雙 胍,法系噶等多種降糖西藥,當時血糖時有飆高過 200 毫克/分 升,西醫建議打胰島素來控制。 該患者非常抵觸,說他很怕每天都在自己的肚子上扎針,來注 射胰島素,說這什麼時候是個頭呢。說還是願意找些傳統的自 然的方法來幫助吧。 他所去的診所醫生就說這裡有平衡血糖片,説明了好多客戶, 不妨你試試,患者說也沒有別的辦法了,西藥也控制不住,那 就吃吧。 吃了草藥兩周,血糖就降到了 170 毫克/分升.一個月後血糖降 至 150 毫克/分升,吃了半年血糖都在 130 毫克/分升左右。當然沒停 西藥。但中草藥和西藥的協同作戰,就讓他免於每日打胰島素 的麻煩,同時血糖控制的還是不錯的。現在他還在繼續服用平衡血糖片。

美國製造.  本品由美國加州符合GMP生產條件的工廠生產.

註:  保健食品不是藥物,不能代替藥物治療疾病。建議服食此保健品前或後2小時內,儘量避免喝牛奶。

1. 商戶不囤貨,為保持品質新鮮。當客戶訂購後,才安排廠家出貨,運送須時,敬請耐心等候。

2. 香港, 九龍, 新界區運費HK$50, 離島區運費HK$100, 購滿HK$300免運費. 其他國家運費另計。





Sugar Balance Tablets

Produced in the United States, it does not contain western medicine or chemical ingredients and is suitable for long-term use. Use effective herbs to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, replenish qi and nourish yin.

Composition: Astragalus, barley leaves, salvia, angelica, rehmannia root, atractylodes, corn silk, chamomile flowers

Help: restore pancreatic islet function; gradually lower blood sugar.

How to take: Take two tablets twice daily.

Note: Eat less rice and noodles, drink less spirits, and reduce sugar intake.

Make sure you get some moderate exercise every day and make sure you are in a good mood.


Balance Blood Sugar Tablets Usage Examples:

 Examples of use in U.S. clinics: Patients with high blood sugar are common in the U.S., and the use of Chinese herbal medicine to reduce high blood sugar is also commonly used in TCM clinics. So the theory of using herbal combinations to fight diabetes is very well established. A traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic in Little Rock has helped many diabetic patients by using herbal products to balance blood sugar. Steven, male, 42 years old. I have been suffering from diabetes for four years, and my initial blood sugar level after meals was 250 mg/dl, and my blood sugar level in the morning was 190 mg/dl. Over the past four years, more and more Western medicines have been used to lower blood sugar, which were effective at first, but gradually became less effective. I was taking various hypoglycemic Western medicines such as Carnavia, Metformin, and Fasca. At that time, my blood sugar sometimes soared over 200 mg/dL. Western medicine recommended taking insulin to control it. The patient was very resistant, saying that he was afraid of having to stick a needle in his stomach every day to inject insulin, and asked when this would end. I would rather find some traditional and natural methods to help. The doctor at the clinic he went to said that there are blood sugar balancing tablets here, which told many customers that you might as well try it. The patients said that there was no other way and that Western medicine could not control it, so just take it. After taking the herbal medicine for two weeks, the blood sugar dropped to 170 mg/dL. After one month, the blood sugar dropped to 150 mg/dL. After taking the herbal medicine for half a year, the blood sugar was around 130 mg/dL. Of course I didn’t stop taking western medicine. However, the coordinated operation of Chinese herbal medicine and Western medicine saved him from the trouble of daily insulin injections, and at the same time, his blood sugar control was still good. Now he continues to take blood sugar balancing tablets.

Produced in the USA according to FDA hygiene standards. It contains no harmful chemical components or Western medicines. Manufactured in U.S.A.Manufactured by a G.M.P Approved Factory in California, USA.

Note: Health foods are not medicines and cannot replace medicines in treating diseases. It is recommended to avoid drinking milk within 2 hours before and after taking this health product. 

1. Merchants do not stock goods to keep the quality fresh. The manufacturer will arrange shipment only after the customer places an order. Please wait patiently for delivery time.

2. The shipping fee for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories is HK$50, the shipping fee for outlying islands is HK$100, and the shipping fee is free for purchases over HK$300. Shipping costs for other countries are additional.

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